过去对当下没有力量 - 埃克哈特-托尔

Sean Robinson 14-07-2023
Sean Robinson

See_also: 燃烧乳香树脂的5个精神益处




然而,心灵可以选择抓住过去(以记忆和情绪的形式),而不是真正在当下。 因此,它将以体验过去的方式 "体验 "当下。 换句话说,即使事件不再发生在当下,我们也会不断重温过去。

还请阅读: 如何放下过去,继续前进?

比如说 比方说,你小时候被父母批评过,你的心灵受到了严重的伤害。 虽然你可能不再和父母生活在一起,但你现在很可能还在感受到伤害。 这导致你形成一种受害者心态,无法发掘你的真正潜力,使你陷入消极的循环中。


但也要注意到,过去当然有价值。 你可以从过去学习。 你可以从成长和功能的角度使用它。

但重要的是,过去失去了对你心理构成的控制,以便 你有自由去做当下正确的事情,而不是抱着过去的错误。 .




还请阅读: 放弃过去的怨恨和解放思想的7个要点。

See_also: 18条将改变你生活的深层自爱语录

当你继续练习这种有意识的选择,留在现在,而仅仅从功能的角度使用过去(在记住你的时间表、日期和杂货清单方面),放下你过去的心理影响(存在于你的头脑中)、 你会慢慢地但肯定地开始体验到你现实中的转变 .

你的过去将停止创造你的未来,相反,你的未来将从当下的新鲜智慧中创造出来。 而且,你会注意到,当你停止用注意力助长过去时,你的头脑开始放开。

还请阅读: 你变得越安静,你就越能听到 - 鲁米




还请阅读: 艾克哈特-托尔关于身体意识的语录。

Sean Robinson

Sean Robinson is a passionate writer and spiritual seeker dedicated to exploring the multifaceted world of spirituality. With a deep interest in symbols, mantras, quotes, herbs, and rituals, Sean delves into the rich tapestry of ancient wisdom and contemporary practices to guide readers on an insightful journey of self-discovery and inner growth. As an avid researcher and practitioner, Sean weaves together his knowledge of diverse spiritual traditions, philosophy, and psychology to offer a unique perspective that resonates with readers from all walks of life. Through his blog, Sean not only delves into the meaning and significance of various symbols and rituals but also provides practical tips and guidance for integrating spirituality into everyday life. With a warm and relatable writing style, Sean aims to inspire readers to explore their own spiritual path and tap into the transformative power of the soul. Whether it's through exploring the profound depths of ancient mantras, incorporating uplifting quotes into daily affirmations, harnessing the healing properties of herbs, or engaging in transformative rituals, Sean's writings provide a valuable resource for those seeking to deepen their spiritual connection and find inner peace and fulfillment.