正常就是你是什么 - Leo The Lop

Sean Robinson 26-07-2023
Sean Robinson

正常和不正常纯粹存在于我们的头脑中。 在现实中,没有什么是正常的或不正常的。 一切都如实存在。

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这个概念在《Leo the Lop》中得到了很好的解释,这是一本由Stephen Cosgrove写的儿童书。


故事讲的是一只叫Leo的兔子,他的耳朵不像其他兔子那样竖起来,这让他感到非常不安全。 Leo开始觉得自己的耳朵不正常,他想尽办法让自己的耳朵竖起来,但都是徒劳的。

有一天,Leo有了一个想法,感谢他的负鼠朋友,可能他的耳朵是正常的,是其他兔子的耳朵不正常。 他在其他兔子面前提出了这个想法,他们都在思考这个问题。

最终,兔子们得出结论,一切都只是感知的问题,正常就是你的任何东西。 .





See_also: 12种精神&;百里香的神奇用途(吸引繁荣、睡眠、保护等)。


在现实中,没有不完美的地方;没有任何不正常的地方。 一切都是如此。

是我们的头脑在比较的基础上感知事物的正常和不正常。 但这种感知纯粹存在于头脑中,它在现实中没有依据。

Sean Robinson

Sean Robinson is a passionate writer and spiritual seeker dedicated to exploring the multifaceted world of spirituality. With a deep interest in symbols, mantras, quotes, herbs, and rituals, Sean delves into the rich tapestry of ancient wisdom and contemporary practices to guide readers on an insightful journey of self-discovery and inner growth. As an avid researcher and practitioner, Sean weaves together his knowledge of diverse spiritual traditions, philosophy, and psychology to offer a unique perspective that resonates with readers from all walks of life. Through his blog, Sean not only delves into the meaning and significance of various symbols and rituals but also provides practical tips and guidance for integrating spirituality into everyday life. With a warm and relatable writing style, Sean aims to inspire readers to explore their own spiritual path and tap into the transformative power of the soul. Whether it's through exploring the profound depths of ancient mantras, incorporating uplifting quotes into daily affirmations, harnessing the healing properties of herbs, or engaging in transformative rituals, Sean's writings provide a valuable resource for those seeking to deepen their spiritual connection and find inner peace and fulfillment.